Census Bureau Report Reveals Surge In Foreign-Born Population Since 2010

A new Census Bureau report titled “The Foreign-Born Population in the United States: 2022” shows a 15.6% increase in the nation’s foreign-born population from 2010 to 2022. The foreign-born population rose from 40.0 million (12.9% of the total) in 2010 to 46.2 million (13.9%) in 2022.

The report, based on American Community Survey data, also found that the median age of the foreign-born population increased by over 5 years from 41.4 to 46.7 during this period. Additionally, 75.1% of foreign-born individuals completed high school or higher in 2022, up from 68.3% in 2010.

According to a related data visualization, immigrants made up over one-fifth of the population in California (26.5%), New Jersey (23.2%), New York (22.6%) and Florida (21.1%). Nearly half (49.1%) of all immigrants entered the US before 2000, and 63.5% of the foreign-born population aged 16 and older was employed.

The American Community Survey is the only source of local estimates for a wide range of statistics on the nation’s people and housing. It provides crucial data on topics like language, education, employment, income, poverty and health insurance coverage.