Democrats are facing a serious challenge this election as their longtime advantage with Black, Latino and Asian American voters has shrunk to the lowest point it’s been at in over 60 years, with the shift potentially hurting President Joe Biden and Democrats in Congress in November’s elections.
According to a recent New York Times/Siena College poll, Biden led former President Donald Trump by just 56 points to 44 among non-White Americans, a group he won by nearly 50 points in the 2020 election. This drop-off is particularly striking given Trump’s history of racist and bigoted comments about immigrants and people of color.
Many experts believe that the change is due to generations forgetting about the civil rights era and some non White voters having more conservative views than their voting behavior implies. Moreover the increasing Latino population many of whom came to the U.S. After the 1960s might not feel a connection to the civil rights movement.
Democratic strategist Sisto Abeyta suggests that the party needs to update its messaging approach pointing out that the traditional Great Society rhetoric no longer resonates with mobile non White voters. He highlights that Democrats focusing on issues like abortion rights and environmental concerns may not strike a chord, with Latino communities.
With Latinos being the largest minority group in the country, the shift taking place and rapidly speeding up as Democrats become more and more unhinged in their policy plans, the left will face a considerable obstacle in reclaiming this voter bloc or in finding a population segment large enough to fill the void.
With many hailing from Catholic or Christian countries with a more traditional view of masculinity and feminity that have been eroded by media, music and other influences over the decades, the Hispanic community has begun to recognize that Democrats’ woke messaging, whether delivered in English or Espanol, is just not for them.