In a bold and meticulously executed mission, the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) has successfully rescued four hostages held by Hamas in Gaza. The hostages were being held in two separate apartments within the central market of Nuseirat, requiring the IDF to conduct a challenging simultaneous operation to free them.
The rescue was particularly poignant for Noa Argamani, one of the rescued hostages, whose mother is battling brain cancer and had prayed to be reunited with her daughter before she passed away. The IDF soldiers faced heavy fire from Hamas and local citizens during the operation, with one soldier, Lieutenant Colonel Arnon Zamora, tragically losing his life in the rescue effort.
The hostages were being held by Hamas guards in the homes of Arab families who were paid by the terrorist organization to keep them captive. The IDF entered Nuseirat using trucks and civilian vehicles with Gazan license plates, engaging in firefights with many terrorists who fired upon them, including with anti-tank missiles.
Forces from various IDF brigades, including the Paratroopers, Kfir, Givati, Golani Reconnaissance Battalion, and Shayetet 13, attacked Nuseirat from multiple directions under heavy bombardment from the Air Force, helicopters, Navy ships and artillery fire, successfully bringing the hostages to a waiting helicopter landing zone.
The response from Hamas and Palestinian Authority leaders has been one of anger and condemnation, with calls for an immediate ceasefire and accusations of civilian massacres.
However, these claims have been disputed, with the AP conceding that Hamas’ allegations of genocide are unfounded.