Ex-Homeland Security Chief Worried About Military ‘Going Woke’

In addition to the Biden administration’s strategic depletion of equipment and a persistent recruiting shortage, a growing number of experts warn that a “woke” ideology within the branches of the U.S. armed services is weakening the nation’s readiness to address potential threats around the world.

Evidence of a focus on social issues rather than combat preparedness has surfaced on numerous occasions in recent years, including in reports about training that emphasizes gender-neutral and other restrictive language in the name of inclusion.

Now, former Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf is speaking out against the impact that such misplaced priorities is likely to have on the nation’s service members and the overall security of the nation itself.

During a recent interview, he stipulated that he has “great confidence in our fighting men and women,” but the environment in which they are expected to serve gives him cause for concern.

“I’ve seen over the last two and a half years or more what they’ve done to the U.S. military and degrading physical standards, going woke in their teachings there in the Pentagon and elsewhere,” Wolf explained.

While he still believes in America’s ability to successfully defend itself, he said that mounting conflicts including the Israel-Hamas war make it all the more important for the military to focus on what matters most. Furthermore, he stressed the importance of securing the border against invaders who might intend to inflict harm on the nation.

“I think anytime there’s an overseas conflict like we have right now, you’ve got to secure the homeland,” he added. “And you need to make sure that any of your vulnerabilities — you go what we call ‘shields up.’ Unfortunately for this administration, over the last 30 months or so, the security along that southern border has been anything but great.”

His assessment is bolstered by troubling reports that hundreds of suspected terrorists have been apprehended at the border thus far this fiscal year. With as many as 1,000 so-called “gotaways” avoiding apprehension each day after crossing into the U.S. from Mexico, it is impossible to know how many potential terror threats have been able to blend into communities across the country.