Biden Was Confronted Over Behavior With Senator’s Wife

Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) explained his experiences with Joe Biden during an interview on “Tom Shattuck’s Burn Barrel” podcast where he talked about his time in the Obama administration.

During the interview, Brown explained an incident where he confronted Biden about inappropriate conduct with his wife, Gail Huff Brown. Brown’s sentiments echo the growing concerns among many Americans about Biden’s fitness for office and his history of questionable behavior around women.

The conversation on the podcast took a deeper turn when Shattuck reminded Brown of a story he had shared in the past regarding Biden’s behavior during Brown’s swearing-in. When prompted, Brown responded, “Yeah, I told him I would kick the sh– uh, I told him to stop. So, yes.”

While Brown seems to downplay the incident now, describing it as “old news,” the anecdote underscores the broader issues many have raised about Biden’s behavior around women, including several well-publicized incidents.

Beyond the disclosures regarding Biden, Brown’s influence in New Hampshire’s politics is notable. Brown holds a prominent position in the state’s political discourse. Both Gail Huff Brown, with her past attempt for a Congressional seat, and Scott Brown, who is rumored to be considering another U.S. Senate campaign, are central figures in New Hampshire’s political trajectory