FBI Arrested Douglass Mackey Over 2016 Hillary Clinton Meme

Douglass Mackey faced legal consequences for a meme he shared on Twitter, which involved making a joke about Hillary Clinton and her supporters prior to the 2016 election.

After being detained, he was put on trial and ultimately found guilty, resulting in a seven-month prison sentence. Surprisingly, Mackey was not taken into custody until seven days after Joe Biden’s inauguration in 2021.

The FBI arrived at his residence at 7:30 in the morning, arresting him and withholding the reason for his arrest until he was already at the courthouse. Mackey shared these details during an interview with Tucker Carlson.

The Department of Justice claimed that this amounted to election interference, even though they couldn’t present any proof that the meme deceived anyone. Mackey contended that his intention was merely to generate a viral meme, and pointed out that other Clinton supporters had shared similar memes urging Trump supporters to vote via text without facing any repercussions.

The FBI and DOJ officials never faced such charges when they willingly suppressed the Biden Laptop. FBI leadership told their agents, “you will not look at that Hunter Biden laptop” and that the FBI is “not going to change the outcome of the election again,” according to whistleblowers.

This led to a bogus letter signed by over 51 “intelligence” officials who misled the public by declaring the laptop was Russian propaganda.

Carlson walked through the crime with Mackey, calling it a violation of the First Amendment. Mackey said there was an outpouring of support from the American people, though not the ACLU, who cheered on his arrest.

Carlson spoke with Mackey as they examined the crime, denouncing it as a clear infringement on the rights protected by the First Amendment. Mackey mentioned that while the American people showed overwhelming support, the ACLU, unfortunately, did not join in and instead applauded his arrest.

“I don’t think they care too much about the First Amendment anymore,” Mackey said.

“You were convicted on the basis of what they said your intent was,” Carlson said.

Mackey agreed with the statement. Nevertheless, he was accused of conspiring against rights and interfering in elections. These allegations were further strengthened and endorsed by left-leaning media, aiming to punish him for being a supporter of Trump. The apprehension and subsequent conviction of Mackey were directly linked to the doxxing of his personal details by Huffington Post journalist Luke O’Brien.

Mackey expressed his optimism that the sentence would serve as a chance for something positive to happen, “there’s something redemptive about suffering.”