Republican Elected Louisiana Governor By Massive Margin, Flips State Red

On Saturday night, Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry (R) was elected governor of the state in a landslide — flipping Louisiana red after eight years of Democrat control.

In Louisiana’s all-party primary election, Landry won with nearly double the support of his closest challenger — receiving 51.6% of the vote compared to Democrat Shawn Wilson’s 25.9%.

Landry, who was endorsed by former President Donald Trump, celebrated his victory in a speech in front of supporters.

“Today’s election says that our state is united,” the conservative governor-elect said in his victory speech. “It’s a wake-up call and it’s a message that everyone should hear loud and clear, that we the people in this state are going to expect more out of our government from here on out.”

As Louisiana has a “jungle primary” system, there would have been a runoff election if no candidate received more than 50% of the vote in the 16-candidate field — which included Republicans, Democrats and Independents. This is the first time that Louisiana was able to avoid a runoff in the governor election since 2011 — when former Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) won the election with 65.8% of the vote. Jindal also won the 2007 election without a runoff.

Before being elected as Louisiana attorney general in 2016, Landry also served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 2011 to 2013, representing Louisiana’s 3rd district.

The massive victory on Saturday night has been touted as a predictor of Republicans’ victory in the upcoming 2024 election, as it was the first major election before 2024.
Landry’s success has been partially attributed to his support from Trump — who endorsed the Republican back in May in a video, stating: “I am endorsing your Attorney General Jeff

Landry for Governor. He has been a fantastic Attorney General. He wants to stop crime. He loves the people of Louisiana just like I do.”

Trump congratulated Landry on his victory in a post on Truth Social on Saturday, declaring that he would be a “truly GREAT GOVERNOR.”

Landry campaigned on getting crime in Louisiana under control, improving the economy and fixing the public school system. He also described himself on his campaign website as a “fearless champion” for the pro-life cause, and has vowed to stop the “woke agenda” in public schools and sign a parental rights bill upon taking office.

Louisiana’s outgoing Gov. John Bel Edwards (D) congratulated Landry for winning the election, releasing a statement noting that Landry had run “a winning campaign focused on uniting the people of Louisiana” and “addressing important kitchen table issues.”